Exam Section
Click here to view the Exam Rules followed by SCTEVT
The students have to obey various rules and regulations proposed by the SCTE&VT for seeking admission to any of the affiliated diploma institutions (both Govt & Pvt)
- The applicant shall be admitted in to 1st semester of Diploma courses once in academic year
- The applicant must have to passes the minimum educational qualification for admission as per the guide line issued by the AICTE/State Government or as recommended by the concerned Board/Council
- The students admitted to any of the diploma courses of the council will be issued registration number after verification of CLC in the Council/authorized center of Council after depositing requisite registration fees
- Students who have passed minimum qualifying examination for admission from Boards/Council other than board of secondary Education, Orissa or Council of Higher secondary Education, Orissa have to submit migration certificate for registration with the council
- The registration certificate will be issued under the signature of an officer authorized by Vice-Chairman
- The council conducts examinations for all six semesters twice in each academic session.
- After completion of odd semester classes examination is conducted for regular and back students of odd semester(i.e 1st,3rd and 5th) and back paper students of even semester(i.e 2nd,4th & 6th).Similarly after completion of even semester classes examination is conducted for regular and back students of even semester(i.e 2nd,4th & 6th Semester)and back paper students of odd semester(i.e 1st,3rd & 5th semester)
- Both the winter and summer semester examinations are decided and conducted by the SCTE&VT as per approved academic calendar.
- Candidates registered with the council and on the roll of affiliated institutions and course shall only be entitled to appear the semester end examination for Diploma/Post Diploma courses conducted by the council, subject to the following conditions
- His/her name should appear in the list of bonafide students of the institutions to be submitted to the council by the principal of each institution by 31st August of the concerned academic session.
- He/she should have minimum 75% attendance in both theory and praticals to be eligible to appear the semester examination
- When on account of bonafide illness,he/she secures attendance less than 75%,but 60% or more in subject/subjects can be allowed to sit for the examination supported by a medical certificate by any government Medical officers not below the rank of Asst. surgeon. The head of the institution may be authorized to condone such deficiency in attendance and permit such candidate to appear the semester end examination if otherwise eligible and list of such case shall be furnished to the controller of examinations for rectification.
- He/she should have good conduct in and outside the institute premises during the period of his/her study.
- During the period of examination, the premises of institution including staff members and other infrastructure facilities of the institution where examination is being conducted shall be under the control of council for examination purpose.
- The Practical assessment marks or internal assessment marks of the students shall be maintained at the institution in the prescribed manner as stipulated by the council and shall be submitted to the council in the prescribe form before commencement of the semester end examination or as directed by the Council duly certified by the head of the institution.
- Usually the examination for odd semesters shall be held in November/December and even semester shall be held in April/May each year.
- The semester end examination shall be conducted at such centers as shall be decided by the examination committee after getting satisfied about availability of all facilities for conducting examinations.
- The center superintendent shall be appointed by the controller of examinations of the council for conducting examination who will be responsible in all matters of conducting examinations in accordance with the rules and regulations stipulated by the council.
- The invigilators, supervisory and other supporting staff for each center shall be appointed by the center superintendent as per the prescribe norms of the council.
- The Council may depute flying squad,squad,special squad & observer etc for free and fair examination as per rules.
- The Council may appoint external/internal examiners for practical examinations.
- No candidate shall normally be permitted to enter the examination Hall after expiry of 30 minutes from the commencement of examination.
- No candidate shall permit to leave the examination hall before expiry of one hour of the commencement of the examination.
- Each candidate shall have to carry both his identity card with photo issued by the institution and admit card issued by the council and shall be produced on demand at every examination.
- No candidate shall ordinarily be allowed to appear in the examination from a center other than the institute where he has studied. However under exceptional circumstances, change of examination centre may be allowed by vice-chairman, SCTE&VT on medical ground only duly recommended by the Principal of the concerned institution
- The council may change the centre of examination of any candidate on administrative grounds on the report of the principals of concerned institutions.
- The principal of the institute forwarding the application of the candidate to appear in the semester end examination of the council shall be solely responsible for any lapse regarding eligibility of the candidate for the said semester end examination
- In order to pass in the semester examinations, the candidates of diploma in engineering and Non-Engineering branches expect MOM & those courses which are conducted as per the rules and regulations of other statutory bodies or National bodies approved by the council, should obtain at least 35% of the total 100 marks in each theory subjects including the marks in internal assessment, subject to a minimum of 28 marks out of 80 in the examination in case of MOM, The pass mark is 35% subject to minimum of 24/80 in the examination.
- Candidates shall obtain at least 50% marks in practical examination and secure 40% in aggregate of any semester.
- In order to determine the division in which the candidate shall be placed at the end of course of 6 semesters,50% marks obtained by the candidate in the 1st & 2nd semesters and 100% of 3rd ,4th & 6th semesters marks will be taken in to account for determination of division and shall be placed in division as follows
a) 70% or more- 1st Division with Hons.
(Subject to condition that the candidate has passed all semesters end examination in one chance)
b) 60% or more but less than 70%- 1st Division
c) 50% or more but less than 60%- 2nd Divisions
d) 40% or more but less than 50%- Pass
- Examinations conducted for students of Engineering/Non-Engineering branches as per the rules & regulations of other statutory/National Bodies the pass mark in the subject will be as per the rules of these statutory/National bodies.
- Grace marks will be given to those candidates who by receiving the same are able to clear the semester end examination and the allotment of grace marks shall be at the discretion of examination committee based on the following pattern.
- Aggregate grace marks awarded shall not exceed 2% of the total marks of semester and examination subject to the condition that grace marks in any particular subject shall not exceed 10% of the maximum marks for that subject
- For this purpose theory, practical, internal assessment and aggregate shall be taken as separate heads of examination.
- The grace marks shall neither be noted nor added to the marks as recorded on the answer book or on the marks sheet at the discretion of the examiners
- The grace marks so allotted shall be deducted from sessional marks/Practical marks keeping the total marks in tact.
- In case of poor performance in any subject, the examination committee may decide to award special grace marks in the particular subject & the same shall be added to all the candidates of the branch/subject.
- The controller of examinations shall declare the result of each semester end examination after formal approval of the Examination committee and issue the mark sheets to all candidates who appeared in the examinations.